John Mayer: A man with a guitar

Today John Mayer has been on repeat. Never really been into his music, but again my friend Spotify took me to him. One of my best friends is also obsessed with John Mayer, so I thought why not – give it a try. Not massively into the whole guitar + velvety-voiced male heartbreaker singer thing, but Mayer works. It’s … literally easy listening. Just put it on, turn on the kettle, drink your morning coffee and everything is alright in the world for a bit. Or maybe I’m just melting like any female form of existence would do, for a combo like John Mayer. And it doesn’t even matter that he sings about the standard heartbreaking sterotypes someone like him would. Another plus – I’ve always loved seeing awesome guitar powers (second video).

Listening to John Mayer makes the shitty weather outside irrelevant, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes. So I thought I’d share.

And by looking for his songs on YouTube, I also realised that’s he’s quite handsome. Definitely a plus (come on, I’m a woman). And I definitely judge books by their covers.

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Adventures on Spotify

Haven’t written for a while, got enough academic stuff on my plate, but that’s no excuse. In the field of music, I’ve made a big discovery, a late one, but a discovery nevertheless. So I’ve finally downloaded, subscribed to, and started using Spotify. I love how I can find such obscure stuff there and really surf the world of music. I often just go off and start listening to related artists and I’ve found so much good stuff. It doesn’t take up much space on my hard drive and I’ve got the funkiest jazz, guilty pleasures, drum & bass, weird electronic music and other dance stuff all neatly in folders. How awesome! I know I got on this ride quite late, but… hey! I’m loving it and I thought I’d share a couple of gems I’ve stumbled upon thanks to Spotify. Unfortunately I’ll have to resort to the YouTube videos for these tracks, because I can’t really link Spotify tracks here, can I?

I’ve started exploring different genres more. I always felt adventurous, but now my curiosity has actually materialised itself. It’s exciting, because as much as I didn’t love drum & bass, it starts sounding all the same. That’s also why I’ve gone back to my old loves such as jazz and NinjaTune-esque electronic music.

Here’s a few goodies..

[youtube: [youtube: [youtube: [youtube: [youtube: